The Rhopoint IQ quantifies surface quality problems that are invisible to a standard glossmeter and profiles how light is reflected from a surface., results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. series models are particularly designed for Ashing under difficult conditions in laboratory environment. Especially when difficult to ash materials are employed we would particularly recommend the PAF series of furnaces. Rhopoint IQ quantifies surface quality problems that are invisible to a standard glossmeter and profiles how light is reflected from a surface, results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the refrigerated underbench centrifuge ROTANTA 460 RC makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times. sensitivity, precision and speed of an analytical instrument are of particular importance for industrial process control applications. The SPECTRO iQ already set standards in this respect. The new SPECTRO iQ II maintains this course with further improved technologies and a consequent alignment towards simplicity and dependability of operation. 4CRL NT For applications requiring an especially high leak tightness of the pump, we recommend the MD 4CRL NT. The three-stage construction provides the advantageous combination of high pumping speed and very low ultimate vacuum. All major parts of the MD 4CRL NT in contact with pumped media are made of chemically resistant fluoroplastics or a special, highly corrosion-resistant stainless steel. Well-proven PTFE sandwich diaphragms provide increased reliability and extended operating life.... PAL-ACID Pocket Acidity Meters measure the total acidity in fruit juices. Citric acid is the predominant acid type in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and pears. Tartaric acid is the predominant acid type in grapes. Other acids, such as malic acid, are also present. The PAL-ACID measures the total acidity in sample and converts it into citric and tartaric acid concentrations. The units measure the total acidity in sample and convert it into citric or tartaric acid concentrations respectively. The... APLIKATORLER Four Sided Film Applicator Aflexible and easy to use applicator, combining 4 gaps size in one unit. The cylindrical shape provides excellent results particularly on firm substrates and smooth surface. By simply rotation through 90 angles, the next gap size is placed onto the test surface. It is designed with ASTM D 823-25 and made of high-grade, corrosion-resistant stainless steel 440C. Levelling Tester BGD 226 Leveling Tester is designed..., results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the refrigerated floorstanding centrifuge ROTANTA 460 RF makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times. are three models in the 67 series - Model 6700 covers the visible range of the spectrum and has a 4nm bandwidth; Models 6705 and 6715 cover the UV/visible range of the spectrum and have a 4nm and 1.5nm bandwidth respectively. All three instruments have modes for photometrics, spectrum scanning, multi-wavelength analysis, kinetics and quantitation, giving direct concentration results against single or multi-point calibrations. With extensive post measurement tools to ensure results are... centrifuge stands out due to its exceptional engine smoothness. That it is largely free of vibration and has swing out butyrometer buckets positively effects the lifetime of your butyrometers. Correspondingly, good results (reproducibility and comparability) are assured. For these reasons, the SuperVario-N is often used as a reference centrifuge for calibration purposes. Due to its versatility, the SuperVario-N is widely accepted in dairy laboratories. ADP440+ is single wavelength, high accuracy polarimeter suitable for use inmany applications and is especially suited for use in pharmaceutical laboratories where compliance with Pharmacopoeia¹ is required. New optics featuring a ‘no maintenance’ yellow LED and interference filter together with a photodiode detector allows reading of samples of up to 3.0 OD. The instrument has both angular and sugar scales (ISS) and can be programmed with user scales as well as industry standard... are three models in the 67 series - Model 6700 covers the visible range of the spectrum and has a 4nm bandwidth; Models 6705 and 6715 cover the UV/visible range of the spectrum and have a 4nm and 1.5nm bandwidth respectively. All three instruments have modes for photometrics, spectrum scanning, multi-wavelength analysis, kinetics and quantitation, giving direct concentration results against single or multi-point calibrations. With extensive post measurement tools to ensure results are... are three models in the 67 series - Model 6700 covers the visible range of the spectrum and has a 4nm bandwidth; Models 6705 and 6715 cover the UV/visible range of the spectrum and have a 4nm and 1.5nm bandwidth respectively. All three instruments have modes for photometrics, spectrum scanning, multi-wavelength analysis, kinetics and quantitation, giving direct concentration results against single or multi-point calibrations. With extensive post measurement tools to ensure results are... SPECTROTEST is a mobile metal analyzer ideal for many applications in the metal producing, metal processing and metal recycling industries. It flaunts its superior performance especially when exact analyses are required, when materials are difficult to identify or when there is a large number of samples to be tested. “PLF-FF” series furnaces which are fiber free at their hot surface. This series is especially designed for Customers who are anxious of contamination due to flaking of the fiber insulation. °C The LAUDA Integral XT high-temperature thermostats allow for a maximum working temperature of 320 °C. The process thermostats are operated using the Command remote control, which is already utilized in the other XT models. With the XT 4 HW and the XT 8 HW models, water-generated counter-cooling allows for quick cool-down across the entire temperature range from 30 up to 320 °C. Especially at higher temperatures, the water counter-cooling is very efficient and cost..., results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the ROTANTA 460 makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times. Brookfield RS Portable Rheometer is a dynamic, rotational instrument capable of viscosity, yield stress and creep measurements. Its dual power operation allows it to go from production floor to the field making it one the most versatile instruments in its class! powerful cooling thermostats for bath applications from -90 up to 200 °C many years, beverage manufacturers have adopted digital refractometers as their primary instrument for measuring the final dilution ratio (°Brix) of re-constituted fruit juice not only to assure product quality but also in an attempt to reduce losses by tightly controlling concentrate yields. by leading color suppliers worldwide, the ideal foundation for a color management system, especially for establishing digital color standards for supply chains. The CE7000A Benchtop Spectrophotometer is a premium reference grade spectrophotometer known for its superior inter-instrument agreement and reliability. Used by leading color suppliers worldwide, CE7000A makes the ideal foundation for a color management system, especially for those who want to establish digital color standards for..., a world leader in developing color management solutions, is making it even easier for you to connect with customers with its Capsure Bluetooth® mobile app. series refractometers are robust, low cost, fully automatic instruments that are ideally suited to the food, sugar and beverage industries but can now be used in many other non food applications where use of a waterbath for temperature control is not required. XTH is the only instrument you’ll need for reading both large and small samples, as well as the most challenging shapes and sizes. Lightweight, yet powerful, this compact portable offers accurate, flexible measurements, especially on contoured and textured opaque parts. SH/SU Serisi Test Kabinleri Kişisel kullanım için kompakt tasarım, Bilgisayarınızla ağa bağlanın. LH/LHL/LHU/LU Serisi Test Kabinleri Yüksek sıcaklık ve nem testi ihtiyaçları için yüksek performans ve güvenilirlik kompakt bir pakette gelir. MC-xxx Test Kabinleri Kompakt bir pakette yüksek performans ve güvenilirlik, ultra düşük sıcaklık -85°C ile +180°C arasındadır. 3001 VARIOpro EK Peltronic This VARIO® chemistry pumping unit provides vacuum control by precise and continuous adaptation of the diaphragm pump´s motor speed. The on-demand motor speed control extends diaphragm lifetime considerably. The basic pump is the MD 1C VARIO-SP which meets high vacuum requirements for most high boiling solvents. The separator at the inlet (AK), made of glass with a protective coating, retains particles and liquid droplets. The electronic emission condenser... Genova Bio is a simple, low cost, easy to use UV/visible spectrophotometer; dedicated for life science applications. The fast, responsive colour touchscreen and pre-programmed methods for the measurement of nucleic acid concentration and purity, protein assays and cell density, makes this spectrophotometer the ideal addition to any laboratory. Platinous J Serisi Test Kabinleri ESPEC Platinous J serisi test cihazları dünyasına yeni bir değer getiriyor AR Serisi Çevresel Stres Odaları Çevre stres odası AR serisi ısı yükünü destekler ve geniş bir sıcaklık ve nem kontrol aralığı ile daha hızlı sıcaklık döngü performansı sağlar.