P. 178

HFsafe LC Series  Heal Force Laboratory Equipment

 Biological Safety Cabinet
 (Class II Type A2 & B2)
 Everything for Your Safety
 Downflow without eddy currents & dead air pockets in operation zone
 Negative pressure protection
 Non air leakage from operation zone
 High efficient HEPA and ULPA filters
 Strict KI-Discus containment test                                                                               BİYOLOJİK GÜVENLİK
 Cabinet & filters leakage DOP test                                                                                 KABİNİ, CLASS II A2
 UV interlock provides additional safety by prohibiting UV light unless
 the front window is fully closed
 UV disinfection timer (30 and 60 minutes)
 NSF ®  UV-resistant & toughened safety glass front window
 Vertical laminar airflow provides protection for operators, samples
 and environment.
 Interchangeable inflow and downflow velocity and volume
 Password protection
 Inflow Air                                                                                                    177
 Negative Pressure
 Unfiltered Air
 Airflow Pattern of Class II Type A2  Filtered Air
 30% air exhaust
 70% air recirculation
 Average inflow velocity at 0.53 m/s
 Negative pressure air surrounding all biological contaminated parts
  Class II Type A2

  Class II Type B2  İçeri akış

                   Negatif basınç
 100% air exhaust
 Average inflow velocity at   Filtresiz hava
 0.53 m/s
 Negative pressure air   Filtrelenmiş hava
 surrounding all biological
 contaminated parts
 Inflow Air                                             Class II Tip A2(Motorize Kontrollü)
 Negative Pressure   Mikroprosesör kontrollü                                                                       İNKÜBATÖR / BIYOGÜVENLIK KABINLERI
 Unfiltered Air   Kullanımı kolay şifre korumalı kontrol paneli
 Filtered Air
 Airflow Pattern of Class II Type B2   200 mm yükseklikli cam, UV ışık korumalı  Ana Filtre  Egzos Filtre
          UV dezenfeksiyon zamanlayıcısı (30 ve 60 dk)
          Motorize veya manuel kontrollü ön cam seçeneği  Class II Tip A2, Manuel  HEPA  HEPA
                                                         Class II Tip A2, Motorize  ULPA  ULPA

          HEPA filtre ile %99.999 verimlilikle 0.3 µm partikülleri tutma verimliliği
          ULPA filtre ile %99.999 verimlilikle 0.1-0.2 µm partikülleri  tutma verimliliği
          Sesli ve görsel alarm sistemli filtre ömrü indikatörü
          Manuel kontrol-LED şerit gösterge
          Motorize kontrol-LCD gösterge

                   Model              İçeri akış (m/s)  Aşağı akış(m/s)  İç Ölçüler (cm)     Dış Ölçü.(cm)
         HF Safe-900                                                     90 x 60 x 67.8     102.3 x 80 x 226
         HF Safe-1200                                                    120 x 60 x 67.8    132.3 x 80 x 226
                                       0.53±0.025       0.35±0.025
         HF Safe-1500                                                    150 x 60 x 67.8    162.3 x 80 x 226
         HF Safe-1800                                                    180 x 60 x 67.8    192.3 x 80 x 226
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