EBA 270
The EBA 270 accepts common blood collection and urine tubes up to a volume of 15 ml and accelerates them to a maximum speed of 4,000 min-1. This corresponds to a RCF of 2,254. The centrifuge's speed and running time can be variably adjusted for different applications. A pulse key enables short centrifuging. In addition, the EBA 270 features lid locking and holding, imbalance switch-off, lid closure of metal and emergency lid lock release.
Max. capacity:
in a swing-out rotor: 6 x 15 ml
Max. speed (RPM): 4,000 min-1
Max. RCF: 2,254
Dimensions (H x W x D):
239 x 326 x 389 mm
Weight: approx. 13 kg
Refrigeration: Air cooling
Swing-out rotor for 6 x 15 ml tubes and carriers inclusive
Görüntülenme (9801)
Masaüstü Santrifüjler
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