Orion Star™ A122 Portatif İletkenlik Ölçer Sahada temel iletkenlik analizi için kullanımı kolay ve bütçe dostu bir cihaz olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A122 Portatif İletkenlik Ölçüm Cihazı ile basit, rutin iletkenlik, toplam çözünmüş katılar (TDS) ve sıcaklık ölçümleri yapın. 20 veya 25°C referans sıcaklıklara sahip doğrusal bir seçenek kullanarak sıcaklık dengelemeli okumalar elde edin. Basit tuş takımı düzeni ve ekrandaki metin istemlerini...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a122Orion Star™ A123 Dissolved Oxygen Portatif Çözünmüş Oksijen Ölçüm Cihazı Sahada temel çözünmüş oksijen analizi için kullanımı kolay ve bütçe dostu bir cihaz olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A123 Portatif Çözünmüş Oksijen Metre ile basit, rutin çözünmüş oksijen ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini yapın. Polarografik DO problarını suya doymuş hava kullanarak veya Winkler titrasyonunu kullanarak özel değer kullanarak kalibre edin. Basit tuş takımı...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a123Some of laboratory processes where atmosphere control is vital, require a tube furnace to be used. Alser AS manufactures tube furnaces of various tube diameters and heated lengths. Through application of Kanthal wire and silicon carbide heating elements the temperature range extends to 1600°C as operation temperature.
https://www.antest.com/ptf-serisiSüt ve süt ürünlerinde yağ tayini için kullanılmaktadır. Gerber, Roese-Gottlieb, Babcock ve Süt Tozu Çözünürlük testi için godeleri ayrı ayrı satın alınarak bütün metodlara uygun kullanılanabilinir. 77 ile 377g arası ayarlanabilir. 600 ile 1130 devir/dakika ayaralanabilir. Ortam Sıcaklığı ile 68°C derece arası ayarlanabilinir. Dijital zaman, hız ve sıcaklık ekranına sahiptir. Zamanlayıcı, santrfüj hızı ve sıcaklık kullanıcı tarafından ...
https://www.antest.com/sut-ve-sut-urunlerinde-yag-analiz-santrifuju-cok-amacli-universal-tipTekrarlanabilir ölçüm sonuçları ve artan ölçüm doğruluğu ile rutin ölçüm için basit, kullanımı kolay laboratuar pH metredir.
https://www.antest.com/ph-7110inoLab® tezgah üstü cihazlar, laboratuarda pH, ORP, çözünmüş oksijen ve iletkenlik ölçümleri için doğru çözümü sunar -Tavizsiz ölçüm hassasiyeti -Kablosuz bağlantıya hazır -Dijital sensör tanıma -Akıllı sensör değerlendirmesi
https://www.antest.com/multi-9310-idsOrion Star™ A222 Portatif İletkenlik Ölçer Sahada çok çeşitli uygulamalar ve gelişmiş iletkenlik analizi için ideal olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A222 Portatif İletkenlik Ölçüm Cihazı ile doğru ve güvenilir iletkenlik, toplam çözünmüş katılar (TDS), tuzluluk, özdirenç ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini kaydedin. 15, 20 veya 25°C referans sıcaklıklarına sahip doğrusal, doğrusal olmayan veya EP seçeneklerini kullanarak sıcaklık dengelemeli okumalar elde...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a-222Orion Star™ A223 Dissolved Oxygen Portatif Çözünmüş Oksijen Ölçüm Cihazı Çok çeşitli uygulamalar ve sahada gelişmiş çözünmüş oksijen analizi için ideal olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A223 Portatif Çözünmüş Oksijen ve RDO Ölçüm Cihazı ile doğru ve güvenilir çözünmüş oksijen ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini kaydedin. RDO optik veya polarografik DO problarını kullanın ve suya doymuş hava, havada doymuş su, özel değer (Winkler) veya sıfır...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a-223Otomatik AutoRead, CMC (Sürekli Ölçüm Kontrolü) ve QSC (Kalite Sensörü Kontrolü) gibi ölçümleri daha rahat ve güvenilir hale getiren fonksiyonlar sunan gelişmiş ölçüm teknolojisine sahip yüksek kaliteli aletlerdir.
https://www.antest.com/ph-7310Su analizi, kalite kontrolü ve proses denetimi için DIN ISO / US EPA’ya göre en yüksek hassasiyette taşınabilir nephelometriktir.
https://www.antest.com/wtw-turb-430-ir-tPH, ISE, iletkenlik ve çözünmüş oksijen ve kapsamlı GLP fonksiyonları için iki/üç girişli dijital yüksek performanslı çok parametreli cihaz• Kablosuz bağlantıya hazır• İki/Üç bağımsız ölçüm kanalı ile eş zamanlı ölçüm• Parlak renkli ekranda yorulmaya dayanıklı okuma
https://www.antest.com/multi-94x0-idsOrion Star™ A112 Masaüstü İletkenlik Ölçer Laboratuvardaki temel iletkenlik analizi için kullanımı kolay ve bütçe dostu bir cihaz olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A112 Masaüstü İletkenlik Ölçer ile basit, rutin iletkenlik, toplam çözünmüş katılar (TDS) ve sıcaklık ölçümleri yapın. 20 veya 25°C referans sıcaklıklara sahip doğrusal opsiyon kullanarak sıcaklık dengelemeli okumalar elde edin. Basit tuş takımı düzeni ve ekrandaki metin istemlerini...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a112Orion Star™ A113 Masaüstü Çözünmüş Oksijen Ölçüm Cihazı Laboratuvarda temel çözünmüş oksijen analizi için kullanımı kolay ve bütçe dostu bir cihaz olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A113 Masaüstü Çözünmüş Oksijen Ölçer ile basit, rutin çözünmüş oksijen ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini yapın. Polarografik DO problarını suya doymuş hava kullanarak veya Winkler titrasyonunu kullanarak özel değer kullanarak kalibre edin. Basit tuş takımı düzenini...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a113The coating thickness gauge Surfix® Pro S is a multifunctional mobile phone-type gauge with exchangeable probes for fast, professional and precise
https://www.antest.com/surfix-proWith the development of the GDA 650 HR the evolution of CCD glow discharge analyzers has reached the next level.The GDA 650 HR makes use of the latest state-of-the-art CCD technology which provides a high optical resolution of 0,022 nm FWHM.
https://www.antest.com/gda-650The original Brookfield Dial Reading Viscometer is the lab standard used around the world.
https://www.antest.com/dialOrion Star™ A212 Masaüstü İletkenlik Ölçer Laboratuvarda çok çeşitli uygulamalar ve gelişmiş iletkenlik analizi için ideal olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A212 Masaüstü İletkenlik Ölçüm Cihazı ile doğru ve güvenilir iletkenlik, toplam çözünmüş katılar, tuzluluk, özdirenç ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini kaydedin. 5, 10, 15, 20 veya 25°C referans sıcaklıklarına sahip doğrusal, doğrusal olmayan saf su veya EP seçeneklerini kullanarak sıcaklık...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a212Orion Star™ A213 Masaüstü Çözünmüş Oksijen Ölçüm Cihazı Laboratuvarda çok çeşitli uygulamalar ve gelişmiş çözünmüş oksijen analizi için ideal olan Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A213 Masaüstü Çözünmüş Oksijen ve RDO Ölçüm Cihazı ile doğru ve güvenilir çözünmüş oksijen ve sıcaklık ölçümlerini kaydedin. Sensörlerde en üst düzeyde esneklik için bir RDO optik veya polarografik DO probu kullanın. Suya doymuş hava, havaya doymuş su,...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a213With over 60 fixed analytical element channels, using photomultiplier tubes, the GDA 750 HR Glow Discharge spectrometer is perfect for demanding applications requiring flexibility, high resolution, and analytical precision.
https://www.antest.com/gda-750Orion Star™ A324 pH/ISE Portatif Multiparametre Ölçüm Cihazı Geniş bir pH, iyon konsantrasyonu, mV, ORP ve sıcaklık testi ve saha uygulamaları için tasarlanmış Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A324 pH ve ISE Portatif Ölçüm Cihazı ile ihtiyacınız olan her yerde yüksek doğruluk ve üstün performans elde edin. IP67 dereceli muhafazaya sahip bu su geçirmez ölçüm cihazını kullanarak en zorlu konumlardaki örnekleri değerlendirin. Beş noktaya kadar pH ve ISE...
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a324* I ntelligent counting technology* Easy-to-use* Safe* Flexible
https://www.antest.com/bzg-40Gelişmiş alan analizi ve yazıcı veya bilgisayar arabirimi için Thermo Scientific ™ Orion ™ Star A221 pH Taşınabilir Ölçer ile pH, mV, ORP ve sıcaklığı güvenilir şekilde ölçün.
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a-221MD 12C NT +EK These chemistry vacuum systems have a wide range of applications like evacuation, evaporation and pumping of gases and vapors. They provide a particularly high pumping speed and are ideal for higher vacuum requirements, e.g., with high boiling solvents. The base pump MD 12C NT obtains a very good ultimate vacuum even with gas ballast and features high performance in a compact design. The consistent design for highest chemical resistance enables almost universal usage in chemistry...
https://www.antest.com/vacuubrand-md-12c-nt-ekRefrigerated version of 2-16P Universal laboratory centrifuge for swing-out and angle rotors Spincontrol L Illuminated keys for start, stop, lid open For sedimentation up to 4 x 100 ml in swing-out-rotors or up to 20.000 x g in angle rotors Brushless drive practically maintenance-free Speed range up to 15.300 rpm Low speed operation from 100 rpm possible A magnetic rotor identification prevents rotors from overspeeding, active rotor identification Stainless steel bowl Imbalance...
https://www.antest.com/2-16klBasit saha testi için kolay kullanımlı Thermo Scientific ™ Orion ™ Star A121 pH Taşınabilir Metre ile basit pH ve sıcaklık ölçümleri yapın.
https://www.antest.com/orion-star-a-321MD 12C NT +AK+EK These chemistry vacuum systems have a wide range of applications like evacuation, evaporation and pumping of gases and vapors. They provide particularly high pumping speed and are ideal for higher vacuum requirements, e.g., with high boiling solvents. The base MD 12C NT pump obtains a very good ultimate vacuum even with open gas ballast valve for condensate purge and delivers high pumping speed in a compact design. The pump design offers exceptionally high chemical resistance...
https://www.antest.com/vacuubrand-md-12c-nt-ak-ekRefrigerated version of SIGMA 3-16L Universal table top centrifuge Speed range up to 15.300 rpm Spincontrol L Various angle and swing-out rotors available Maximum capacity of 4 x 400 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor Magnetic rotor identification prevents the rotor from overspeeding, active rotor identification Stainless steel bowl Window in the lid for external speed control Backlit keys for start, stop, lid...
https://www.antest.com/3-16-klColor can make or break a product. Metallics, pearlescents, and other complex special effect finishes deliver limitless possibilities for enhancing product appeal. And limitless challenges as well. Duplicating complex colors from part to part is no easy task.
https://www.antest.com/ma94Universal refrigerated table top centrifuge; speed range up to 18.000 rpm Spincontrol S Iluminated keys for start, stop, lid open Various angle and swing-out rotors available Maximum capacity of 4 x 400 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time and temperature Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell sedimentation, accuracy +/– 1 rpm Magnetic rotor identification...
https://www.antest.com/3-18ksColor can make or break a product. Metallics, pearlescents, and other complex special effect finishes deliver limitless possibilities for enhancing product appeal. And limitless challenges as well. Duplicating complex colors from part to part is no easy task.
https://www.antest.com/ma96Color can make or break a product. Metallics, pearlescents, and other complex special effect finishes deliver limitless possibilities for enhancing product appeal. And limitless challenges as well. Duplicating complex colors from part to part is no easy task. X-Rite has answers. Our MA98 spectrophotometer is an intelligent, hand-held tool with the power to provide reliable, consistent data on special effect coatings that were formerly impossible to measure.
https://www.antest.com/ma98Refrigerated version of SIGMA 4-16S Universal table top centrifuge Speed range up to 15.000 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 650 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time 2 Motorized lid locks Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell...
https://www.antest.com/4-16ksHeated version of 2-16KL Universal laboratory centrifuge for swing-out and angle rotors Spincontrol L Illuminated keys for start, stop, lid open For sedimentation up to 4 x 100 ml in swing-out-rotors or up to 20.000 x g in angle rotors Brushless drive practically maintenance-free Speed range up to 15.300 rpm Low speed operation from 100 rpm possible A magnetic rotor identification prevents rotors from overspeeding, active rotor identification Stainless steel bowl Imbalance...
https://www.antest.com/2-16khlCompact refrigerated floor standing centrifuge for universal use in blood banks, clinical laboratories Capacity up to 6 x 1.5 l or 12 blood bags in swing-out rotor Solid construction, suitable for continuous use Maintenance-free drive, high imbalance tolerance up to approx. 80 g, imbalance switch Speed range 100 – 5,100 rpm Automatic rotor identification prevents overspeeding of rotors Efficient refrigerating machine; temperature adjustable between –20 °C and +40 °C, standstill...
https://www.antest.com/8-kbsUniversal laboratory centrifuge for swing-out and angle rotors Spincontrol Universal Illuminated keys for start, stop, lid open For sedimentation up to 4 x 100 ml in swing-out-rotors or up to 20.000 x g in angle rotors Brushless drive practically maintenance-free Speed preselection up to 15.000 rpm Low speed operation from 100 rpm possible A magnetic rotor identification prevents rotors from overspeeding, active rotor identification Stainless steel bowl Imbalance switch No need to...
https://www.antest.com/2-16pCompact refrigerated floor standing centrifuge for universal use in blood banks, clinical laboratories and research Capacity up to 6 l in angle rotor; 12 x 1 l, 6 x 1.5 l or 12 blood bags in swing-out rotor Solid construction, suitable for continuous use Maintenance-free drive, high imbalance tolerance up to approx. 80 g, imbalance switch Speed range 100 – 10,500 rpm Automatic rotor identification prevents overspeeding of rotors Efficient refrigerating machine; temperature adjustable...
https://www.antest.com/8-ksPC 3012 NT VARIO These VARIO® pumping units feature a very high pumping speed even close to the outstanding ultimate vacuum and are ideal for high vacuum requirements with most high boiling solvents. They provide precise vacuum control by continuously adjusting the pump´s motor speed. The controller provides fully automatic evaporations without any need for parameter input. The pump design offers exceptionally high chemical resistance supporting almost universal usage in chemistry and...
https://www.antest.com/vacuubrand-vario-pc-3012-varioPC 3012 NT VARIO DUO The VARIO® DUO pumping units are consisting of a combination of two individual VARIO® pumping units, connected in parallel on the suction side and driven synchronously by one vacuum controller CVC 3000. The vacuum is controlled accurately. The speed of the two individual pumps is exactly adjusted to the vacuum needs. The controller allows both fully automatic distillations without any user pre-settings as well as specific and reproducible program sequences. The...
https://www.antest.com/vacuubrand-vario-pc-3012-nt-vario-duoUniversal table top centrifuge Speed range up to 15.300 rpm Spincontrol L Various angle and swing-out rotors available Maximum capacity of 4 x 400 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor Magnetic rotor identification prevents the rotor from overspeeding, active rotor identification Stainless steel bowl Window in the lid for external speed control Backlit keys for start, stop, lid open Wearless electric fuse Imbalance...
https://www.antest.com/3-16lHeated version of SIGMA 3-18KS Universal refrigerated table top centrifuge; speed range up to 18.000 rpm Spincontrol S Iluminated keys for start, stop, lid open Various angle and swing-out rotors available Maximum capacity of 4 x 400 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time and temperature Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell sedimentation, accuracy +/– 1...
https://www.antest.com/3-18khsUniversal systems up to 400 °C
https://www.antest.com/lauda-heat-transfer-systemsHeated version of SIGMA 4-16KS Universal table top centrifuge Speed range up to 15.000 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 650 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time 2 Motorized lid locks Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell sedimentation,...
https://www.antest.com/4-16khsUniversal table top centrifuge speed range up to 13.500 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 650 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time 2 Motorized lid locks Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell sedimentation, accuracy +/- 1 rpm Magnetic rotor...
https://www.antest.com/4-16sSIGMA 6-16HS heated version of SIGMA 6-16S Max. rotor temperature +60°C Special for ASTM crude oil centrifugation max. +70°C Universal table top centrifuge speed range up to 13.500 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 800 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or...
https://www.antest.com/6-16hs-khsRefrigerated version of SIGMA 6-16S Universal table top centrifuge Speed range up to 15.000 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 800 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time 2 Motorized lid locks Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell...
https://www.antest.com/6-16ksUniversal table top centrifuge speed range up to 13.500 rpm Control unit Spincontrol S Various angle and swing-out rotors available Lid can easily be opened due pneumatic swing support Maximum capacity of 4 x 800 ml down to microtubes with different adapters in the same bucket Maintenance-free induction drive motor A Microcontroller controls speed or gravitational field, time 2 Motorized lid locks Suitable for low speeds e.g. for cell sedimentation, accuracy +/- 1 rpm Magnetic rotor...