Açıklama Classic Model Research Model Piston PTFE PTFE Silindir Borosilikat 3.3. Cam Borosilikat 3.3. Cam Hacim Ayarlama Noktası Vidalı tip Vidalı tip Vana Gövdesi Polipropilen (PP) PTFE Valf Düzeneği Cam Boncuk Cam Boncuk Boşaltma Düzeneği PTFE PTFE Çıkış Borusu FEP FEP İç...
Efficient, results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories.
Many elemental analysis tasks in industry, research and the sciences require a non-destructive measuring system that is extremely sensitive and offers a small measuring spot.
Efficient, results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the refrigerated underbench centrifuge ROTANTA 460 RC makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times.
Kanthal Super Molibdenum Disiliside Heated Chamber Furnaces cover the range of 1500°C to 1800°C. MoS-B series of furnaces are Table Top applications and cover a range of 1-8 litres, with elements placed at sides of chamber. In this range we think our 1-2 litre furnaces are quite interesting for those who require the temperature but not the volume. For small samples these furnaces will provide a very economical solution.
Efficient, results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the refrigerated floorstanding centrifuge ROTANTA 460 RF makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times.
The Equinox 5000 is a multi purpose X-ray diffractometer designed specifically for high level research applications including powder analysis, thin layer analysis, reflectometry, micro diffraction, .... The system utilizes a unique tall vertical goniometer in θ/θ or θ/2θ mode and the user has a large choice of features including higher resolution detectors and a large choice of X-ray sources. The free space in the sample compartment is very large and will accommodate practically any sample...
Rheological evaluation through controlled stress measurement offers superior viscosity profiling, thixotropic response, yield stress determination and Creep Analysis. The Brookfield R/S Rheometer offers both controlled rate and controlled stress measurement. Available with cone/plate, plate/plate, or coaxial cylinder measurement geometry, the R/S Rheometer offers powerful flow characterization tools including ramp, loop, and single point testing. A wide range of shear rate, shear stress, and...
Kanthal Super Molibdenum Disiliside Heated Chamber Furnaces cover the range of 1500°C to 1800°C. MoS-B series of furnaces are Table Top applications and cover a range of 1-8 litres, with elements placed at sides of chamber. In this range we think our 1-2 litre furnaces are quite interesting for those who require the temperature but not the volume. For small samples these furnaces will provide a very economical solution.
More stringent requirements of quality control and, in some cases, changing legislation, mean that greater accuracy is being demanded of refractometers. The Abbe 60 Direct Reading models, available in two measuring ranges, have been designed to meet these requirements.
MIKRO 220 is a powerful, compact benchtop centrifuge for processing microlitre tubes of 0.2 ml to 2.0 ml.
Efficiency and safety are key requisites in today’s laboratories – whether for research or routine tasks. Whenever centrifuges are incorporated to working processes, they need to deliver good separation results quickly and safely.
The Equinox 6000 is a multi purpose X-ray diffractometer designed specifically for high level research applications. The system utilizes an unique tall vertical goniometer in θ/θ or θ/2θ mode with an attached high precision Eulerian cradle. It is the perfect diffraction system for materials science including thin layer analysis, reflectometry, micro diffraction, residual stress analysis, texture measurements. Data is measured in “real time”, which present many advantages in kinetics...
Efficient, results-oriented working processes are top priority in both research and routine laboratories. With advanced laboratory technology, the ROTANTA 460 makes a significant contribution to shortening processing times.
MIKRO 220 R is a powerful, compact benchtop centrifuge for processing microlitre tubes of 0.2 ml to 2.0 ml. At variance with the MIKRO 220, it also accepts standard tubes up to a volume of 50 ml.
Developed for large volumes, yet not overly large in size. High performance when it counts, yet cost-effective and fair to the budget.
Eppendorf, pipetleme konusunda yeni bir standart belirledi. Son derece hafif Eppendorf Research plus pipeti, hassas ve hassas doğrulukta en yüksek ihtiyaçları karşılar - nihai ergonomi ve artan esneklikle birlikte. Dünyadaki en gelişmiş pipetlerden biriyle çalıştığınızı bilmek doğru şeyi yaptığınızı bilmek iyi bir fikirdir. Yaylı uç konisi, ikincil ayarlama seçeneği, geliştirilmiş bir ses göstergesi - ve hepsi ultra hafif, tamamen otoklavlanabilir pipette: Bu,...
The new 6850 introduces the first double beam spectrophotometer with a variable spectral bandwidth into the Jenway range. The highly stable optics and two detectors measure the sample and reference simultaneously optimising measurement accuracy. The 6850 has measurement modes for photometrics, concentration, multi-wavelength, spectrum scanning, kinetics, quantitation, DNA/RNA and protein analysis.
Efficiency and safety are key requisites in today’s laboratories – whether for research or routine tasks. Whenever centrifuges are incorporated to working processes, they need to deliver good separation results quickly and safely.
Glass Water Still for double distillation Specifications and features Glass Water Still (fully automatic) for double distillation, suitable for both bench and wall mounting. Very good distillate quality; conductivity:single distillate: approx. 2.2 µs/cm at 25 °Cdouble distillate: approx. 1.6 µs/cm at 25 °C (see "Technical Details"). Electronic level control during the whole distilling process. Electronic impurity detector effects rinsing and cleaning of the evaporator by...
JSR JSPG-1500C Bitki Büyütme Kabini JSPG-1500C 3 Taraflı Aydınlatmalı Büyüme Odası, sıcaklık, nem, aydınlatma ve CO2 konsantrasyonunun güvenilir kontrollü iklim koşullarını sağlar. Büyüyen bitki, bitki doku kültürü veya diğer laboratuvar deneyleri için ideal kontrolör iklim simülasyonuna ihtiyaç duyar. 1512 L büyük kapasite ve 1.2 m'ye kadar daha büyük bitkileri yetiştirmek için uygun odanın yüksek yüksekliği. Üst ve iki yan ışık bankasının HQI ve...
Developed for large volumes, yet not overly large in size. High performance when it counts, yet cost-effective and fair to the budget. The ROTINA 420 centrifuge offers these benefits and more.
Equinox 3000. A research grade very high resolution diffraction system providing the user a choice of features included higher resolution detectors, a larger sample area and choice of X-ray sources. The free space ine the sample compartment is very large and will accommodate practically any sample and any sample handling device including furnaces, auto samplers, large assemblies, etc. The 2θ diffraction pattern is therefore measured in “real time” allowing time dependant or kinetics...
The ROTOFIX 32 A is a rugged, versatile and indispensable centrifuge for routine laboratory tasks in doctors’ practices and small hospitals.
SAXS technology is used for the nanometric particles structure determination (size, form, distribution,…). Considering Copper radiation, we can generally say, for diffraction angle lower than 5° in 2θ. Samples can be solid or liquid. This is a non destructive method, accurate and just needs a minimum of sample preparation. You can use it both in research and in quality control. Its applications are various: colloids, metals, cement, clay, oil, polymer, plastics, proteins,...
MONO DISTILE SAF SU CIHAZLARI Glass Water Still for single distillation Specifications and features Glass Water Still for single distillation (fully automatic), suitable for both bench and wall mounting. Very good distillate quality; conductivity single distillate: approx. 2.2 µs/cm at 25 °C (see "Technical Details"). Electronic level control during the whole distilling process. Electronic impurity detector effects rinsing and cleaning of the evaporator by automatic water...
The ROTOFIX 46 proves itself in research and industrial laboratories.
Circulation chillers for reliable continuous operation in the lab and in research from -10 up to 40 °C
Discover the new dimension of temperature control thermostating:LAUDA LOOP
Compact refrigerated floor standing centrifuge for universal use in blood banks, clinical laboratories and research Capacity up to 6 l in angle rotor; 12 x 1 l, 6 x 1.5 l or 12 blood bags in swing-out rotor Solid construction, suitable for continuous use Maintenance-free drive, high imbalance tolerance up to approx. 80 g, imbalance switch Speed range 100 – 10,500 rpm Automatic rotor identification prevents overspeeding of rotors Efficient refrigerating machine; temperature adjustable...